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The eDMR is a professional digital TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) system of radio communication developed by TPL Systèmes allowing analog and digital operations in all VHF frequency bands (30-50 MHz, 68-88 MHz and 146-174 MHz)

The DMS (eDMR Management System) allows the user to manage and control at distance communications and network. Moreover, it allows, with a specific program, the recording of all the communications of voice that happen in the network.  The files can be exported towards a common reader, for the listening of the communications out of the system.


Main features:

· Real-time monitoring by updating an interactive diagram representing the network topology,

· Monitoring of communication data and recording the communications

· Outlining technical alarms, historic of the network and the communications,

· Remote configuration of the set of the network (repeaters and nodes of cells),

· Remote tele maintenance for TPL Systèmes’s Hotline.

· ITerminals subscriptions with time stamps

· Browse history by terminal or cell subscriptions

· Configuration of RPND repeater, eDMR cell nodes, terminal groups and all equipment connected to the eDMR core network.

· Follow-up and download of infrastructure software versions, as well as terminals

· Activation/ deactivation of services